- www.acupuncturetoday.com, useful information and referral site about herbal medicines and acupuncture. Discussion- forums.
- www.aurasoma-sedona.com Colour-Therapy as adjunct and deepening tools for healing.
- www.bluepoppy.com, largest and English language publisher of books about Chinese Medicine, Resource of clinical research reports.
- www.Csomaonline.org, professional, legislative source of news of the California State Oriental Medicine Association, referrals.
- www.drweil.com One of the first on-line help resources on the web; integrative medicine information, focuses on the body's own healing mechanism.
- www.gaia-oasis.com, a tranquil, comfortable on Bali, Indonesia's north coast offering yoga and massage
- www.integralleadershipreview.com, executive and business coaching programs.
- www.mercola.com well-researched natural health information newsletter ranking #1 worldwide
- www.spiritpathpress.com, The Inner Tradition of Chinese Medicine, Lonny Jarret.
- www.goodmancreatives.com, Santa Cruz website design by Greg Goodman.
- www.addictiongroup.org, Holistic treatment options for addiction recovery
- Between Heaven and Earth, E. Korngold, H. Beinfield, New York 1991
- Encounters with Qi, David Eisenberg, MD, New York 1985
- Esoteric Healing, Alica Bailey, New York 1993
- From Medication to Meditation, Osho, UK. 1996
- Healing the Soul of America, Marianne Williamson, New York 1997
- Healing with whole Foods, Paul Pichford, Berkeley, CA 1993
- Insights of a Senior Acupuncturist, Miriam Lee, OMD, Boulder, CO 1992
- Reinventing Medicine, Larry Dossey, MD, San Francisco, CA 1999
- The Creation of Health, C. Myss PhD, C.N. Shealy MD, New York, Toronto 1988
- The Tao of Healthy Eating, Bob Flaws, Boulder, CA 1998, Dietary wisdom according to Chinese medicine - easy to read.
- The Web That Has No Weaver, Ted Kaptchuk, 2nd edition, 2000
- The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine, J. Veith (Transl.), California 1949
- What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Menopause, John R. Lee, MD, New York 1996
- What Your Doctor May Not tell You About Pre-menopause, John R. Lee, MD, New York 2000